HIIT the Beat Breakletics® License Extension

  • Im Angebot
  • Normaler Preis €69,00
inkl. MwSt.

After you have made the payment, you will receive a booking confirmation and further instructions regarding the examination video. The requirements are listed below in advance.

+ Half course video (25 minutes: Whole Warm Up, Exercise A, Exercise B, Routine AB)
+ At least 2 participants (During Corona you can record a Video with yourself and just the camera as a participant)
+ The video should not be older than 2 months
+ A small video with a low resolution is sufficient
+ You have to be recognizable

There are no renewal license fees, but there is a fee to review the video. The fee includes detailed feedback and another free attempt in the event of failure.

With both options, your license will be extended by “plus 1 year”. This means that the extension applies from the current expiry date of your license (even if you send in the video beforehand).




ライセンス料はありませんが、ビデオの確認には料金がかかります。 料金には、詳細なフィードバックと、不合格だった場合の2回目の無料の試験が含まれています。

どちらのオプションでも、ライセンスは「+1年」延長されます。 これは、延長がライセンスの”現在の有効期限”から適用されることを意味します。


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